Nipsey Hussle Braids (Detailed Look)

Written By Bakes

Avid writer on Men's Hair, Grooming, and Lifestyle!

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Even after his death Nipsey Hussle braids continue to be influential as evident by the masses and his peers continuing to style their hair in similar ways as a tribute to the rapper.

The best way to describe this look is the California-style cornrows though it’s a lot more intricate than that and takes plenty of time to execute correctly this style is best suited for those with afro textured hair.

In our editorial we will take a detailed look at Nipsey Hussle’s braid style, you’ll learn how he styled his hair in cornrows while still looking fresh and natural.

Nipsey Hussle Braids (Image Gallery + Review)

Nipsey Braids

Nipsey Hussle Braids

Nipsey Hussle cornrows

In the last few years before his death Nipsey only wore cornrows in his hair which created his signature look and one he became largely associated with.

But if you know how much time and effort goes into perfecting them—not to mention the high-level skill needed to braid hair that concise—you can appreciate Nipsey’s commitment to his signature style. 

And while we may never get the braids ourselves, we don’t mind watching a master at work! We took a trip down memory lane viewing old pics of the rapper and how he maintained his braids.  

Wanting to achieve the same look means keeping your hair healthy before taking up any combs or brushes. The first step is removing any build-up with shampoo and conditioner—if your strands are already clean, there won’t be anything weighing down your locks as they dry! Next comes conditioning, which helps lock moisture into each strand and helps reduce frizziness later on down the line. 

Yes all this needs to be taken into account if you’re going for the nipsey hussle braids

Off Scalp Braids 


Nipsey has had many hits in his career, and various styles have accompanied these hits. One such style was off scalp braids that looked great on him. Nipsey mainly rocked the off scalp braids during the earlier parts of his career before he made the cornrows his signature look.

His transition from braids to cornrow fit perfectly and one the masses loved immediately, this feedback was well received and became his look. The smooth texture of his straight hair made it easy for him to wear off scalp braids.

The length of his tresses is also ideal for off scalp braid patterns because it allows stylists to cover more area on your head. 

Nipsey Hussle Hair in 2 Big Braids

2 big braids

You can’t have a conversation regarding rappers with braids and not mention one of the most famous rappers sporting the look. Nipsey was known to rock braids in multiple styles and found the 2 braids look apart of his go to looks.

Nipsey was rocking only two big braids on each side with a shaved back during his earlier career. The braids are cool because they show that you can get creative with your hairstyle, even if you have short hair. 

He attended many events with these braids and performed on stage wearing them. He rocked these two big braids for many years before his death back in 2019.

Some celebrities that have been influenced by the Nipsey Hussle braids look are artists such as the Game.

To achieve this hairstyle, you’ll need to have long hair. It will be hard to achieve a good look with braids if you have shorter hair. To get your hair into braids, we advise you speak to a hair specialist to help bring your vision to life.

How to get the Look

Every few years, these style of braids become popular again. That is because they’re not just everyday hairstyles, and everyone loves them for this, they are also a great protective style.

For this reason we are placing it as a favourite and one you’re free to try styling at any given time.

So what’s the process of doing a Nipsey braid? If you admire Nipsey and want to try what he did, here is the how-to.  

  • When getting ready, make sure to wash your hair at least once. 
  • A must-have is dry shampoo! 
  • Divide the first row into 3 small sections, with 1 hand holding 1 section of hair, while the other hand holds 2 separated sections of hair and then interweaving the 3 strands of hair.
  • Do this all the way down until the end.

We advise it best for you to see a professional to help with this process though, reading how to braid is one thing, actually doing it is another.


Although Nipsey has given many braiding styles a try, his most recent photo shoots should be evident that cornrows were his go too.

If you’re braiding your hair and want to go for something long enough to hold it with one hand but not so long that it gets messy, then start by growing out an afro. 

But, if you want to achieve Nipsey’s braided hairstyle, you need some excellent braiding skills and patience! The key is to find someone who knows what they are doing. 

This is why it’s best to ask around and see if anyone can recommend a good braider in your area. It might cost you more, but it will be worth it because at least you know that your hair will look amazing when they are done with it!

Rest in peace Nipsey -£20k a month, backpay, word to nipsey

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